Groupified was created by 8+ Figure marketers who have managed nearly
1,000,000+ Members in Facebook™ groups. We use groupified to generate leads, build our email list, and create content automations using this software that converts into high-paying clients.
We created this software out of necessity because no other software would fit the bill with what we were looking to accomplish as Facebook™ group owners. Fast forward a few years, and we built groupified; which has helped us scale our company well past 8+ figures. Along with also helping our clients scale to their first $10k-100k+ months.
Groupified allows you to take full advantage of the daily lead flow into your Facebook™ groups, not only that but we literally have an entire training & course on the inside of groupified walking you through how to set it up properly.
Groupified allows you to immediately send leads an email, or a text message, and also enables you to bring them into your world of automations, triggers, and flows.
We segment each group for you, allowing you to have separate lists to create custom audiences, lookalike audiences, and way more for each group you own and the niche you're involved in.